Sunday, December 26, 2010

U.S. balance of financial terror must be broken

 Need to break the U.S. problem as the G20) summit, one of the important issues. Recently, in order to economic and public confidence, no doubt, a heavy blow. However, the haze in the global financial crisis has not completely dissipated when the interests of all countries to safeguard their own seems reasonable. In the international trade China is a very passive position, which makes U.S. financial imbalances existing problems become more acute and prominent up.
in the developing countries, the United States is the world's largest developed country. the two countries is almost the same land area, China has the world's 1 / 4 of the population, the total population of about 4 times the total U.S. population; the United States created the world 1 / 4 of the wealth , wealth, size of about 4 times the size of China's wealth; China's foreign exchange reserves, accounting for more than 50% of GDP, the U.S. Treasury 70% of total U.S. GDP; China is the world's largest foreign exchange reserves, the United States is the world's most indebted countries ; China is the largest holder of U.S. Treasuries, the world's largest as the by the US-Soviet Cold War rivalry of two superpowers to a multipolar world situation. At the same time, there are a stubborn American hegemony War is the forces of uneven development. In 1991 the Soviet Union suffered the unprecedented socialist forces greatly weakened, while the capitalist forces (mainly U.S.) has been greatly enhanced. Second, the economic power of developed countries, uneven development within countries. 20 century since the 90s, the U.S. economy has developed rapidly; and the EU low economic growth, especially in Japan, in the early 90s after the economic bubble burst, the economic slump, a long period of recession.
worth noting is that the two uneven development will continue for some time. First, the U.S. economic and technological leadership in the world were unable to change; the second is more arrogance arrogance of U.S. military hegemony; Third, the international community today there some kind of ; thought, the lack of effective U.S. hegemony struggle. should be said that Professor Wang Haibo's analysis is indeed sharply, to seize the essence of the problem.
2007, China's economy overtakes Germany as world's third largest economy, which is a historical miracle. In recent years, the faster than its expected growth rate. this pattern, so that the Group of Seven (G7) feel embarrassed. But according to author's opinion, a reference, not a national geo-political significance and strategic significance, because in any case not very strong these four countries, the independence of Four (G8, the Group of Seven + Russia) increased friction within the Energy Strategy; some people think, really play an active role on the world stage is composed of the United States and China, the two groups (G2). However, in countries around the world, and China in their own way for the global financial crisis and to make unremitting efforts to get rid of the time, the United States has dared to defy world opinion, the first things to make trade protectionism, which further indicates that the social rules of the game.
no doubt, G 7 is something of the past, but the The hope is that a multipolar world. However, in the past two (G20) leaders of the financial summit is very disappointing, although China and other developing countries have given a strong voice, but in the end only in the number of ; not hurt to do something on the article, the old international financial architecture appeared unassailable; America's international position is not weakened, but strengthened. on the creation of discussion , the actual pace of RMB internationalization is accelerating domestic economic structural adjustment has also been senior leadership attention. I believe that Sino-US rely on physical fitness, and take the independent road of sustainable development.

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