Thursday, May 19, 2011

In fact, he not that into you

In fact, not that he likes you Tony said: If a man loves you, then you will feel.
like this post, saw people feel awake, like the word space,
just an American movie, called
the beginning of the film, very interesting.
from an African tribe indigenous to New York restaurants where white-collar workers,
; rich middle-aged woman from the body to the devil's graceful young lady,
world, almost every corner, there are girls When asked:
sworn friends.
friends always said, Maybe he did not know how to contact you up, but very few want to how to make them clear.

The fact is, maybe he just does not want with you.
film said that if a man really likes you, he will use everything in their power to find you, phone, email, msn, google ... ...
This is not the Stone Age, and really like you, even if the experience of the tsunami, floods, even if you disappeared into the crowd, he will still find your needle in the haystack.

promise you if he did not do something, even if it is only a phone call.
Do not make excuses for him, > He is very busy, you do not ease the city who is not busy?
is busy the incoming U.S. president, or an hour with hundreds of millions of business to talk about?
have a cell phone, a speed dial, voice dialing and even, sometimes are they thought to call, the phone call went out from the pocket of his trousers,
If you really love you will not forget, if you forget that he did not care you down.
men what they want is to never say

if he is ambiguous.
not for him, explained: He used the free on your ownership.
if you like you, but because of personal reasons to slow down, he would immediately tell you this point clear.
guess he will not let you to guess, because he does not want you lost and left him.
If he does not want to see you friends and family, he would not take you into his circle,
It is only two people said something, then automatically translated into .

If he betrays you.
Do not think: not careful,
betrayal of this kind of thing is not careful not to fall, just dropped the others went to bed. come to you, and you do not want to change while awake, then on leave,
life because of the long-term is the need to clear.
If the time is ripe, but he still did not want to get married, maybe just mean Those who say

if he keeps breaking up with you, then come to you, and good.
inexplicable if he suddenly disappeared.
if he is married.
so much so much if, in fact, only one answer.

Sometimes we prefer to believe that a man is too scared, too nervous, too inferior, too full of ex-girlfriend, too sensitive, too busy, too many shadows of childhood, the family too much pressure, too tired ... ...
do not like to see the very simple fact.

Yes, he was not too busy, not hurt,
; not a shadow of his childhood, not involved in an accident,
not to became president, not the short-term amnesia had a concussion,
not the cell phone fell into the pot, not have amnesia,
; more than you are strong enough to make him not worry, he is just not that into you.

Then someone says, how to believe, he is like you.
this can be broken all the rules, all moral slowly dissipated in the world, how to firmly believe in?

you forget half an hour ago, I said all the rules.
do not ever believe that the rules, I believe that their feelings.

I think this time needs a little more self-deception, to tell ourselves he actually loves you,
; called put your mind at ease to go to treat a person, no doubt no doubt tempted to speculate with.
remember what we said, ; in love, but also your courage, firm, hard run it, and then, even fallen by, you can also say that they are gorgeous.

That girl named Gigi, a boy like her in the wrong,
; and then declare that there is a misunderstanding after being cynical boys after that passage.
Gigi said:
I may be too sensitive and too much will make a fuss, But at least it means I still care.
you think use these all the rules you can see through the girls to win?
you may no longer hurt, and will not let himself out of embarrassing embarrassment, but you will never again feel the kind of love.
you do not win, and alone.
Perhaps I did a lot of silly things, but I know that I will be faster than you find the right people.

trust your feelings, like his life.
perhaps the so-called happy ending not included to give you a perfect guy,
perhaps the so-called happy ending, that is, never give up hope of holding and move on.

tears running, gorgeous falls.
sea of ​​people, walking love.

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